
Alienation II

In 2009 I shot “Plastic Membrane”. From the winter of 2016 to the spring of 2017, I enlarged the plastic membrane that had been used as a prop in my photographic works, and embedded a device in the scene chosen by me. The photography objects and I were peering at each other with the membrane in the middle. I am naturally sensitive to a variety of realistic issues in the Tibetan areas. This time, taking photos mainly in the Tibetan areas on the Qinghai Plateau, I intend to express my thoughts and questions on this land through the half-transparent plastic membrane.

The photos with the urban areas as a background reflect the urbanization of the Tibetans who migrate to cities; the photos shot in the pastoral areas illustrate the scenes of life in the historic evolution of the pastoral times. They both don’t have standard answers.

青海 西宁藏族小区 2016  

青海 西宁野生动物园 2016  

青海 西宁藏族婚礼 2017  

青海 西宁藏族家庭 2017  

青海 西宁墓地 2017  

青海 西宁藏餐厅 2017   

青海 湟中县葛家寨汉族 社火 2017  

青海 称多县寄宿学校 2017   

青海 贵南县过马营生态移民 2016  

青海 共和县龙羊峡镇生态移民 2016   

青海 达日县天葬师和高山兀鹫 2016  

青海 称多县尕藏寺 2017  

青海 刚察县青海湖牧民 2017  

青海 称多县珍勤乡牧民 2017   

青海 曲麻莱县巴干乡虫草广场 2017  

青海 格尔木市可可西里自然保护区藏羚羊吉祥物迎迎 2017   

青海 格尔木市可可西里自然保护区雪豹 2017  

青海 贵南县过马营生态移民 2016  

青海 称多县珍勤乡牧民 2017  

青海 湟中县葛家寨汉族社火 2017