任建军(b.1971),陕西延安人,自由摄影师, 长住青海西宁。曾是美国盖蒂图片社(Getty Images)签约摄影师,德国欧新社(EPA)社供稿摄影师。长期关注中国西部,曾经拍摄报道摄影和纪实摄影,现研习当代影像。

Ren Jianjun(b.1971), born in Yan'an, Shaanxi Province, lives in Xining, Qinghai Province. He is a freelance photographer. He was once a signing photographer of Getty Images in the United States and a contributor of EPA in Germany. He has long been concerned about western China. He used to take news photography and documentary photography, and now mainly he studies and takes contemporary image.

摄影师近照 马良/摄